Telegram's overhaul continues in the wake of CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in France, with Durov saying the company will begin giving governments more data....
In a move the flies in the face of his promise to uphold free speech, Elon Musk and X have capitulated in Brazil and agreed with a court order Musk said w...
In a legal escalation surrounding Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced its intention to seek sanctions ag...
A Federal Trade Commission staff report takes aim at social media and video stream companies' data collection practices and data protection measures....
In a bold step to position itself at the forefront of AI-driven content creation, Snapchat has launched an advanced AI video generation tool aimed at enhancing how creators produce...
Attorneys generals of 42 states have penned a letter to both houses of Congress, asking that lawmakers require social media platforms to include a health w...
X is reportedly hiring new security personnel, reversing a trend of downsizing its security teams that began with Elon Musk's purchase of the company, then...
New Zealand's tax agency, Inland Revenue Department (IRD), is under fire for sending taxpayer data to social media platforms so they can serve targeted ads...
In a country where protests have long been a political barometer, Brazil once again erupted into action, with tens of thousands of citizens taking to the streets in São Paulo, unit...