Some users of Yahoo services, and Yahoo Mail in particular are currently experiencing outages. Many have taken to Twitter to voice their complaints.
An apparently official statement from Yahoo on the matter is making the rounds on Twitter as well. It says, “”Some Yahooservices are currently inaccessible..We are working to correct the issue.”
Mashable obtained another, slightly longer statement saying, “Some Yahoo services are currently inaccessible to some users in certain locations. We are working to correct the issue and restore all functionality immediately. We know that this may have caused some inconvenience and we apologize to our users who might be affected.”
@mashable: Yahoo Mail Suffers Outage for Some Users –
Yahoo mail has been AWFUL lately RTThumbs down, New Yahoo Mail. You keep pushing me to gmail, which I’ve only avoided because I am lazy.
#fail for the last hour. Webmail site down at the authentication stage of login for mysef and many others.
got a Yahoo! mailYahoo Mail users that haven’t been able to access the site, have been getting a message telling them that the webpage isn’t available.
People seem to be searching Google, hoping to find the site when Yahoo can’t (I’m guessing unsuccessfully). Top Google Trends at the moment include: “ sign in,” “ mail,” and “ mail.”
I have to assume Google is getting a kick out of this, considering its recent Gmail push (which is probably more a Google+ push in reality). Although, it’s not as if Gmail has been completely immune from outages itself.