After this ridiculous Apple commercial, in which Zooey Deschanel asks Siri ‘Is that rain?’ when you can clearly hear rain in the background, a parody Twitter account arose to make fun of it. Is this really all Siri is good for? Asking if it’s raining when all you have to do is look out a window. Thanks, Apple. I’ll keep my $500.
Siri: “Well, it sounds like rain and looks like rain. It’s probably rain.”
Deschanel: “Rain is really neat. I wish I was a flower so I wouldn’t have to put on real shoes. Then bees would tickle my nose. Tee-Hee. I’m mad at you, rain. Just kidding. Let’s dance and eat soup together.”
Zooey’s quirky personae she has developed for herself borders on idiocy. Either that, or it really is her personality and she really is an idiot. Either way it’s only natural that a Twitter account would be created to make fun of this particularly hair-brained version of her.
Fake Twitter accounts are created all the time to poke fun at pop culture. In this one, Zooey asks Siri an endless amount of stupid questions. Like Zooey herself, they seem at first humorously idiosyncratic. Then, as one reads on, one realizes that Zooey has probably really asked Siri these questions, and has become nothing more than a parody of the roles she plays on TV and film. Which makes this parody account, a parody of a parody.
Anyway, here are some of our favorites. Try to read them aloud in a dreamy, “gosh, I’m silly” kind of voice for the full effect.
Thanks to Uproxx, who alerted us to @ZooeySiri’s existence.