The recent iOS updates to the 3GS and iPhone 4 have been mostly received with open arms, but the same can’t be said for iPhone 3G users. They’ve been faced with watered down updates and a serious performance problems.
Did you notice any performance issues when you updated your iPhone 3G to iOS 4.0? Let us know.
But, there could be some light at the end of the iPhone 3G tunnel as it looks like the iOS 4.2 update could put your phone where is was… pre iOS 4.0. According to the guys over at TiPb, they’ve tested the iOS 4.2 gold master on an iPhone 3G and for the most felt very positive about it. (You can check out their official video below where they put iOS 4.2 through various tests).
Will you update your iPhone 3G with iOS 4.2 when it becomes available? Tell us.