Meet David “Doc” Moore, a Republican legislator from Missoula, Montana.
David Moore would like you to please refrain from wearing any sort of form-fitting clothing in public, thank you very much.
Moore has sponsored a bill, House Bill 365, that would strengthen the state’s indecent exposure laws to include the mere outline of someone’s butt, let’s say, Or their nipple, or “anus region”.
Here’s what Montana’s law currently says:
…a person commits the offense of indecent exposure if the person knowingly or purposely exposes the person’s genitals under circumstances in which the person knows the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm in order to: (a) abuse, humiliate, harass, or degrade another; or (b) arouse or gratify the person’s own sexual response or desire or the sexual response or desire of any person
Moore would like it to state:
…a person commits the offense of indecent exposure if the person knowingly or purposely exposes the person’s genitals, pubic hair, or anus or exposes the areola or nipple of the person’s breast with anything less than a fully opaque covering while in a public place or visible from a public place without taking reasonable precautions to prevent exposure, and disregards whether a reasonable person would be offended or alarmed by the act; or (b) exposes any device, costume, or covering that gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, anus region, or pubic hair region or exposes any device worn as a cover over the nipple or areola of the female breast that simulates and gives the realistic appearance of a nipple or areola while in a public place or visible from a public place without taking reasonable precautions to prevent exposure, and disregards whether a reasonable person would be offended or alarmed by the act.
If you look closely, you can see that Moore not only added more instances of what counts as “indecent exposure” (coverings that give appearance of or simulates), but he also took out the part where the indecent exposer had to have intent to abuse, harass, or gratify themselves.
In order to make it more palatable, David Moore proposes to lessen the maximum, third offense penalty from its current insanity of life in prison and $10,000 to no more than five years and $5,000. That’s a nice thought, but it doesn’t really make up for …
“Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway,” Moore said after a recent hearing.
and …
From the AP:
The Republican from Missoula says tight-fitting beige clothing could be considered indecent exposure under his proposal. He says he wouldn’t have a problem with people being arrested for wearing provocative clothing but that he’d trust law enforcement officials to use their discretion.
Moore says he believes yoga pants and men’s Speedo-style swim briefs should be illegal in public.
That’s pretty wack, man.
Apparently, Moore got the idea for the bill after he saw some wieners at a “Bare as you Dare” naked biking event last summer.
This is not a good bill. It should be taken out behind the courthouse and shot. We should make David Moore do it. It’ll can be his Old Yeller moment.
The author thanks the committee for its time.
Image via Ballotpedia