Netflix is now reporting prime time performance metrics in its ISP Speed Index. The company has now put out the October update.
“Prime time is the equivalent of rush hour on the Internet,” says Netflix’s Joris Evers. “This can lead to congestion on the network, just like physical traffic can on roads. When watching Netflix, network congestion can manifest itself as buffering, lower video quality or longer start-up times.”
“ISP speeds are consistently much better for customers served by ISPs that directly connect their network to Netflix using our Open Connect content delivery network,” says Evers. “This performance difference is even more evident during prime time.”
The actual rankings for ISPs aren’t too different from last month’s. While the latest chart (below) doesn’t indicate any changes, there are a few subtle differences in rank if you compare it.
According to new data from Sandvine, Netflix and YouTube combine for 50% of downstream data traffic in North America.
Image: Netflix