If you needed one more example of why Nathan Fillion is awesome, look no further than this new viral vid.
There is a problem- a problem that affect millions of gamers each and every year. And Nathan Fillion cares. He cares enough to film a public service announcement to spread awareness of this horrible predicament that plagues the community. From Fallout explorers to Battlefield commanders; from Arkham Asylum fanatics to Call of Duty n00b-tubers – none are spared.
The video, produced by online comedy site Break.com, is your viral pick for Friday. It stars Nathan Fillion, star of Joss Whedon’s much beloved, short-lived series Firefly. It is barely NSFW, for a few anatomical references. Please enjoy –
At the bottom right corner of the video, you will see the ever-present hashtag #endswampass. If you take that to Twitter, you’ll find people (both famous and otherwise) picking up on the trend –
@NathanFillion has something important he needs to tell you. Together we can make a difference. http://t.co/w3qD7Fb
@nathanfillion — selflessly helping nerds everywhere! Swamp Ass PSA http://t.co/EhYF5ci via @youtube #endswampass
OMG I love you,This technique of deploying a viral hashtag in order to promote your viral video seems to be working. In under 2 days of being posted, the Swamp Ass PSA is about to hit 200,000 views on YouTube.
Combining Twitter and YouTube for maximum viral impact is becoming a popular way for people to advertise their site.
Another recent example of employing Twitter hashtags to create buzz about a viral video comes from Wednesday. Funny or Die promoted their new star-studded video “Field of Dreams 2: NFL Lockout” with the hashtag #FootballOrDie.
That video is approaching 2 million views on the Funny or Die site.