Before the NBA Finals pregame show kicks off, Jimmy Kimmel Live serves as the lead-in. These shorter Kimmel episodes have given us gems like Mike Tyson singing heartfelt songs to LeBron James and Kevin Durant; and while anything with Tyson singing in it is always welcome, it appears as if Mila Kunis has unseated Tyson as the best thing to come out of these Jimmy Kimmel pre-pregame shows.
Aside from her obvious ease on a person’s eye, the gif that resulted from Kunis’ 3-point shot is pretty much winning the Internet at the moment, with much thanks belonging to Twitter user CJZero. As you might expect, her Kimmel appearance was to promote the upcoming movie, Ted. To help promote the comedy, Kunis was joined by co-start, Mark Wahlberg, but none of that really matters.
You’re just here for the awesome gif:
The fact that she shot her 3-pointer in the rare Granny style only adds to the gif’s appeal. Without it, that impressive thing she does with her legs right before releasing the shot wouldn’t be as apparent. As you might expect, Twitter didn’t miss out on the Mila fun, either. Some went a little bit overboard, but when you’re dealing with the Internet crowd, do you expect any less?
Apparently, Mila Kunis also works well as a thermometer:
About as hot as Mila Kunis outside
Its hotter than Mila Kunis stripping for satan
Others are distraught they’ll never have her:
Mila Kunis has a boyfriend? If anyone needs me, I’ll be with Adele eating four sleeves of Oreos and writing several hit songs.
Even the ladies got in on it:
Would literally kill to look like Mila Kunis
I want to marry Mila Kunis. Fact.
But that’s besides the point right? Isn’t this supposed to be about Mila Kunis shooting a basketball? Or is it something to celebrate the fact that Mila Kunis exists? The answer is, of course, yes. To both.