Kickstarter Allows Creators to Collect Pledges After a Campaign Ends

Kickstarter has rolled out a major new change, allowing creators to continue collecting pledges even after their campaign ends with Late Pledges....
Kickstarter Allows Creators to Collect Pledges After a Campaign Ends
Written by Matt Milano
  • Kickstarter has rolled out a major new change, allowing creators to continue collecting pledges even after their campaign ends with Late Pledges.

    Kickstarter is one of the leading crowdsourcing platforms, giving individuals the opportunity to support ideas and projects that interest them. Traditionally, once a campaign ended, there was no direct way for supports to continue to make contributions directly through Kickstarter. Some projects turned to third-party options for ongoing support, but now Kickstarter has eliminated the need to take that extra step.

    The company announced the change in a blog post:

    The end of a campaign shouldn’t mean the end of support.

    In April, a select group of Creators started testing Late Pledges, a new feature that allows Creators who successfully hit their funding goal to continue collecting pledges after their campaign officially ends.

    In the past, Creators have turned to third-party services to collect funds post-campaign but our Late Pledges feature is integrated directly into Kickstarter, erasing the need for third-party players and embedding a streamlined process right where your community is already supporting you.

    The early results have been really promising: Within two weeks, one Creator raised an additional 35% of their original goal with Late Pledges.

    Today, Late Pledges is now available to all Kickstarter Creators globally. Now, every Creator that successfully meets their funding goal has the opportunity to keep the momentum going, keeping the door open for more support, more Backers, and more success post-campaign.

    The announcement is good news for creators and their supporters, providing a way for individuals to continue helping their favorite projects.

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