Interesting study from Scarborough Research ties the relationship of households with eReader devices to newspaper readership, media website, demographics and Internet usage. Below are some of the highlights from the study:
41 percent of adults who live in E?Reader Households visited a broadcast television website during the past month
41 percent of adults in E?Reader Households visited a newspaper website during the past month, compared to 27 percent of total adults
This consumer group is 125 percent more likely to have watched or downloaded a movie online during the past month
Adults in E?Reader Households are 86 percent more likely than the average adult to spend 20+ hours online weekly
E?Reader Households are almost three times as likely as all adults nationally to be among the highest spenders online (spending $2,500 or more annually)
Demographically, adults in E?Reader Households are more likely than average to be ages 25?54, and married with children. They are in higher income brackets and slightly more likely than all adults to be male