There’s a new kind of personalized, social search available that may trump any effort we’ve seen from Google to date in this corner of search.
Greplin is a new site that searches through "all your online data in one place, really fast" – or at least your the online data you have in the services that it supports, which is likely far from all of your online data. Still, the concept behind the site is pretty noteworthy, and it will likely add more services as time goes on.
With the regular version, you can add Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Google Calendar, and Google Docs. With the pro version, you can also add Salesforce, Evernote, box, Basecamp, and Google Voice.
There is obviously great potential for a service like this. With so many forms of communicating and networking available, it can sometimes be hard to remember just which service was used in some instance. If you can search across all services to find what you’re looking for, it’s going to save time. There is likely significant demand for a tool like this.
There is also room for evolution. What other kinds of features could Greplin offer in the future, taking advantage of all the services you give it access to?
The site is in beta, and once you give it access to your info, it says it will email you when the system’s ready for you. TechCrunch has a demo.