It used to be that if you were found to be downloading something off of a P2P network, you were sent a letter demanding that you pay a settlement or go to court. The RIAA found out later that suing their customers didn’t exactly have the intended results. More people pirated music and much hatred for the trade group emanated from the masses.
That back story sets up the current “six strike” system that the RIAA proposed in July 2011. They signed on AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Cablevision and Time Warner Cable to implement a “graduated response system.”
What would this “six strike” system entail? Well, a P2P user would be give warnings until their fifth or sixth alert. The ISPs at this point would implement more strict measures such as throttling the user’s Internet or redirect them to a warning page until they call their ISP to discuss copyright matters. They could also deem it necessary to permanently disconnect the user from the Internet.
The group put in charge of this is the new Center for Copyright Information. CCI’s Web site and Twitter account were created on July 7, but neither have been updated since. The group said that ISPs would be implementing copyright alerts in 2011 and 2012 and that the center would be formally opened in 2011.
It’s now February 2012 and there’s no sign of the CCI. Ars Technica found this odd and went digging. They found a couple of sources who would comment on the group off the record. They confirmed that the CCI is still continuing onward and will launch shortly. They have hired an executive director and are waiting for the director to get caught up to speed before they announce anything.
As Ars Technica rightly points out, the Internet has changed since the RIAA first formulated this plan. More people are sharing content through streaming sites and file lockers. Going after people on P2P networks isn’t going to be as effective as it would have been a few years ago.