New York-based Foursquare has had to temporarily move its operations thanks to Hurricane Sandy. CEO Dennis Crowley has been sharing frequent tweets about his Frankenstorm adventure:
IT’S STARTING. I’ve never seen wind like this. Just heard a huge crash & all my neighbors are now staring at each other thru our windows.
A few of my windows are starting to blow open (you know, those windows that fold down for cleaning?). We just duct taped them best we could.
“Hey @chelsa, if you’re scared now… just wait till we lose power.” – we just lined up our emergency-escape-to-7B outfits.
OH: “Rename the hurricane to A-Rod and then it won’t hit anything!” (har har!)
RT @mr_raconteur: Cars floating down ave c. <- Whoa for reals? I’m 200 feet from Ave C! Cross street?
RT @carloswhitt: current status: 14th and Ave C, next to zone A, #sandy <– holy cow, this is 5 blocks from me!
Neighbors enlisting our help as street (and thus basement is flooding) …
8th street btw B/C flooding quickly …
Knee deep on 8th
Everyone at 303 E 8th safe — tho no power, basement flooding, street flooding. Surreal watching all of EV go dark after big green flash
Headlamps FTW
Signing off Twitter for tonite – trying to save as much battery as we can. Rumor has it w ConEd 3 feet under could be days before power :/
Hello from 23rd & Park! We okay but no power below 42nd st, no cell service below 23rd st. Cops say could be days before power in EV tho :/
iPhone5 panorama of 8th St & Ave C @ 12:03am. #sandy
When power went off last night w green flash & big bang, cop said generators blew (instead of ConEd powering down) so could take days to fix
Advice from NYC Blackout 2003: save cell phone batteries till clear answer on when power to be restored. Turn off “cell data” on iPhone
This is where AT&T service comes alive again. #sandy (@ Victoria Nail Salon w/ @holger@chelsa)
Power, wifi and clam chowder. I heart E 50th Street (@ Ashton’s Alley Sports Bar w/ @holger@chelsa)
Our home for the next 3 days (aka Fabulous Times Square Vacation!) (@ The Hotel at Times Square) [pic]:
Visiting my friends at MTV (and mooching off their power) (@ Viacom)
Earlier this afternoon: escaping Alphabet City via @chelsa‘s Vespa for shitty Times Square hotel
When in Times Square… (@ Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar w/ @mattlehrer) [pic]:
Happy to trade sunlight/windows for power/shower for a few days… (@ The Hotel at Times Square) [pic]:
We got hooked up with an amazing temp work space (thx Derek!) (@ Foursquare HQ Midtown (temp location, #Sandy)) [pic]:
Team Foursquare NYC up & running post-hurricane across 3 temp offices – Midtown, Williamsburg, South Brooklyn. Our team is amazing. #sandy
“Bikes rule this city right now” – @xtianbovine#nyc#sandy
Crowley talks more about the storm and its impact on Foursquare in this interview with Kara Swisher:
Two hours ago, Crowley checked in on Foursquare at Foursquare HQ Midtown (temp location, #Sandy), sharing the following pics: