Facebook Photos Get Faster

Back in August, Facebook launched the ability to share larger photos, and that load times were twice as fast. Today, the company announced some further speed improvements. In a new update to that orig...
Facebook Photos Get Faster
Written by Chris Crum
  • Back in August, Facebook launched the ability to share larger photos, and that load times were twice as fast. Today, the company announced some further speed improvements.

    In a new update to that original announcement on the Official Facebook Blog, Facebook’s Justin Shaffer writes:

    We’re excited to announce an update to Photos that makes it faster and easier to share photos on Facebook. Now, when you upload photos to an album, you can see each photo as it uploads and watch the upload progress in real-time. In addition, we’ve made some improvements so you don’t have to wait for the album to finish uploading to start adding details and stories.

    Now, you can start adding captions and location details to each of your photos right away. You can also add an album title, description, and location at the top of the uploader. Just as before, you can choose who can see your album before you post and adjust your selection later if you change your mind. You can also continue to track how long your upload will take.

    If you don’t see this version of the Photos uploader yet, you can expect to see it over the coming weeks as the rollout continues.

    So there you have it. If you’re impatient about Facebook photo uploading, today’s your lucky day.

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