We know the Facebook is the most popular social network in the U.S., and even in the world in terms of total active users. In fact, it dominates. But just how big of a lead does Facebook have on other social sites when it comes to where you spend your time?
Well, it’s not even close.
According to a white paper from ComScore, Facebook accounts for 5 of every 6 minutes spent on a social networking site (83%). The next highest was Tumblr with 5.7%. Pinterest and Twitter command a very small amount, 1.9% and 1.7% respectively.
According to the report, Facebook leads in share of total time spent on the web with 10.8% – just over all Google sites with 10%. Google sites command the largest audience, however, with 191.4 million people in the U.S.
Long story short: it’s Facebook’s world, and all other social networks are just living in it.