Doctor Who has crossed a unique milestone. The show is based around a human-lookalike alien (apart from the two hearts and ridiculously long lifespan) who has the capabilities to travel through time and space. Ironically, the show itself has traveled through time and space, in a manner of speaking, by captivated fans for fifty years. The show first aired on November 23, 1963, through the BBC, yet still garners a large following.
In honor of the 50th anniversary, the show is releasing tributes including a simulcast titled, The Day of the Doctor, that will air in 75 countries exactly fifty years, to-the-day, from the original broadcast. Those eager to see the show, should tune into BBC America at 11:50 a.m. PST on the 23rd. In addition, a 50th anniversary special is set for release in select theaters. Fans have been giving interviews to discuss their enthusiasm as well as posting comments through Twitter.
I hear this series called "Dr. Who" is good. Going to binge watch it to catch up. See you in 2018.
— David Weinberger (@dweinberger) November 24, 2013
FUCCKKKKK! I'm in England & I missed Dr.Who 50th Anniversary last night?! Is that grounds to kick me out of country?! I'm sorry!
— chantal claret (@chantalclaret) November 24, 2013
Guess the 50th anny Dr. Who ep just happened? Peoples heads seem to be exploding with tears online.
— Bebop Vox (@BebopVox) November 23, 2013
Doctor Who had 26 successful seasons from 1963 to 1989 before the 2005 reboot. There was even a movie released in 1996. The alien who originates from the planet Gallifrey is central to the show’s plot, however multiple actors can portray the fascinating character due to the alien’s power to regenerate. The alien is called by his number placement in the regeneration sequence instead of using a stereotypical name, since he is an alien, after all. Traveling into the vastness of time and space requires a unique mode of transportation. The alien uses the “Time And Relative Dimension In Space” (TARDIS), which is a blue telephone box — again, what else should an alien be expected to use for traveling? — that surprisingly has more travel space than your typical phone booth.
[Image Via Wikimedia Commons and Courtesy of Steve Collis]