Thursday Feb. 13 marked the 20th anniversary of the 1994 superhero action film The Mask. What better way to celebrate the movie than to play a prank on one of its starring actors?
Yesterday on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Cameron Diaz made a guest appearance to promote The Body Book, one of her first holistic projects encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty.
However, the two got into a reflective conversation about the movie, which was Diaz’s first big role in her acting career.
DeGeneres pulled up an ancient photo of Diaz and Jim Carrey when they were on the film’s set. Diaz evidently looked younger in age, and of course Carrey was sporting the iconic green mask.
“What an amazing first experience in film to do that movie with Jim Carrey,” DeGeneres said.
“I can’t believe that I get to still make movies twenty years later,” Diaz responded. “You know I turned 21 on the set of that film, and I will never forget it because obviously you turn 21 and you’re like, ‘Woo, 21’!”
The 41-year-old actress continued to share how the film crew helped her celebrate the night of her birthday.
DeGeneres then interjects and randomly brings up the scary appearance of the green mask.
“When he was wearing that mask because he can be a scary guy anyway… he makes scary faces, but when he would wear that mask, would that scare you in any way?”
It was in that moment of questioning that something was bound to happen, and of course DeGeneres always has a trick up her sleeve.
“You know what was scariest? Is when he started to take it off because the process of taking it off is terrifying,” the actress said.
As the bubbly Diaz further described how the mask looked on Carrey, a man dressed in The Mask’s classic green and yellow costume slowly made his way behind her.
“It’s just like glue and chunks of sponge would stay on his face, ’cause…”
What happens next is so darn startling but quite hilarious at the same time.
Check out the clip below to see Diaz nearly leap out of her seat:
Image via Youtube