If you’ve ever sampled the wonderful nectar that is Words With Friends you are likely aware of how addicting the game can be. Actor and Very Public Tweeter Alec Baldin has experienced this. In fact, so compelling was the need to play Words With Friends that Baldwin defied American Airlines yesterday and refused to stop playing during his flight’s take-off.
To wit:
Consequently, Baldwin was then booted off the flight for his refusal to comply with the rules. To wit:
The flight attendants already look…..smarter.
Now, as I was kicked off this flight, the word I was playing was UNITED
United shud hav app onboard where u can play WWF w other passengers. American shud have app where u read the new testament w flt attendants
You get the the picture. American Airlines got wind of Baldwin’s Twitterstorm and tweeted this at the beleaguered celebrity:
@AlecBaldwin Mr. Baldwin, we are looking into this. Please DM us contact information.
Of course, this being the age of the auto-refresh news cycle, word had already spread across the Internet and so people obeyed their duty and chimed in:
Alec Baldwin thrown off plane for playing Words w/Friends; Stephen Baldwin seen on bus playing Silent Glares w/Strangers.
@AlecBaldwin She was probably just doing her job and didn’t know you were Alec Baldwin, like the Barista last time.
@AlecBaldwin! As if it wasn’t bad enough that he has to fly commercial in the first place!
PoorHow much did Zynga pay Alec Baldwin for having himself removed from an airplane for playing Words With Friends a few days prior to the IPO?
On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait
Alec did that on purpose….like his commercials
Today Show is spending 2 hrs covering the Alec Baldwin “Words With Friends” incident. I mean, it’s not like there’s anything else going on.
I’m on alex baldwin’s side, a lot of airport people are assholes, some tsa’s think they’re cops, and old Stewardis have bad old attitudes.
Zynga, the developer of Words With Friends, must have been feeling some pressure over the dispute so they released some official Tweetments addressing the ordeal:
@AlecBaldwin’s WWF-gate is available here: http://t.co/ntiQlI8P Alec 1. @AmericanAir 0 #letAlecPlay
Our official statement about@AmericanAir, don’t ground @AlecBaldwin for playing. A.B.S.U.R.D. is worth *at least* 11 points in @WordsWFriends #LetAlecPlay