Zonkey Born In Italy After Zebra Climbed Fence To Mate With Donkey

A rare zonkey has been born in Florence, Italy after a zebra became amorous and climbed a fence to mate with a female donkey. Officials at the wildlife reserve say the fence was put up for just that r...
Zonkey Born In Italy After Zebra Climbed Fence To Mate With Donkey
Written by Amanda Crum

A rare zonkey has been born in Florence, Italy after a zebra became amorous and climbed a fence to mate with a female donkey.

Officials at the wildlife reserve say the fence was put up for just that reason, but you can’t stop true love. The zebra didn’t let a little fence stand in the way once he spotted the donkey, who was in a neighboring field outside the reserve. Now, their offspring, Ippo, is the only one of her kind in Italy. With a distinctive brown body and the head of a donkey, she also sports black-and-white striped legs, making her one of the rarest–and most visually interesting–animals in the world.

The zebra is well-known for not being too selective when it comes to mating; ponies, horses, donkeys, they’re all potential mates. Interestingly, the way their offspring is named depends on which animal belongs to which sex. For instance, if the zebra had been a female and the donkey a male, Ippo would have been called a donkra.

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