There comes a time in the marketing of every video game when a publisher must target a certain type of gamer. Whether the game is story-heavy or focuses on extremely strategical gameplay, the marketing teams for major publishers must put together at least one trailer emphasizing all of the brutal action and explosions contained within the game.
Today, 2K Games released that trailer for the upcoming The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. Sort of.
The trailer does feature plenty of gunfire, explosions, and death. However, it does so in the service of a parody. Titled “#YOLO,” the trailer features the main character of The Bureau throwing his squad mates recklessly into battle. The computer-controlled characters dutifully obey, running straight into alien blaster fire while screaming, “YOLO.” In a ham-handed way, the video is meant to highlight the game feature of permanent death for player squad mates.
2K has also recently released a developer diary focusing on the story in The Bureau. Whether you thought the YOLO trailer was funny or a travesty, the dev diary can serve as a more laid-back, informative palate cleanser: