Next Media Animation, the Taiwanese animators known for producing animated video clips about various news topics in tech and pop culture, have put out a video about the whole TechCrunch/AOL ordeal.
“NMA is a news agency and therefore we choose the most popular and trending stories each day to animate,” NMA’s Jenna Manula tells WebProNews. “After gathering a list of topical stories, we narrow down our choices to which events are lacking video footage. The power of our animations lie in the ability of our animators to recreate the scene of an event and to provide a visual to our audience where one is not available.”
Each of their videos takes about three hours to produce, she says.
In the video, TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington appears to be portrayed as some kind of wizard, and is eventually kicked out the door (literally) by Arianna Huffington.
Yesterday, Arrington wrote a post on TechCrunch in which he suggested that AOL either reaffirms “editorial independence” to TechCrunch as “promised at the time of acquisition” last year or sell TechCrunch back to its original shareholders.
We have yet to see any real response from AOL to this.
I’m definitely not taking any more calls today.