Last year, Sony announced two new original titles from its Japanese development studios. The first was Puppeteer – a platformer featuring a small boy that has been turned into a puppet. The other was rain – an interesting puzzle/platformer game that features an invisible boy that can only be seen when he’s being rained upon. Puppeteer has received plenty of exposure since it was announced, and Sony is now ready to start talking about rain.
In a new making of video released today, the guys at Sony Japan talk about what went into crafting the world of rain. The developers say that they were inspired by the idea of being lost as a child and all the emotions it conjures. In particular, the fear of being lost, but the curiosity that drives a child ever onward.
Rain looks to continue the tradition of ambitiously original games from Sony’s revered Japan Studio. In a year where the holiday season is full of sequels, rain will hopefully stand out as a bastion of creativity that others will follow.
There’s still no release date for the title, but Sony says that it will be out on the PlayStation Network this year.