Yuji Naka, the man who breathed life into Sonic the Hedgehog back in the early 90s, is no longer with Sega. He left back in 2006 to form his own independent studio called Prope. The studio’s highest profile release since then has been Ivy the Kiwi?, but now Naka wants to take us on a photography trip.
In Naka’s latest game, Real Whales, players are tasked with taking photographs of the majestic mammalian giants that populate our oceans. Seriously, that’s it. Like Pokemon Snap and Afrika before it, Real Whales is all about photography. Players will be able to travel all around the world to places modeled after real world locations to capture the perfect photograph.
Arguably, the coolest feature is the whale gallery that lets you see 3D models of all the whale and dolphin species in the game. The models include basic facts about each species and even lets you listen to real recordings of what the creatures sound like.
Oh, and the game has Narwhals. That alone should make you want to play it.
Real Whales is now available on both iOS and Android in free and pay-for flavors. For an upfront fee of $4.99, you can get most of the game, including most of the in-game locations. The free version offers limited locations whereas the rest are purchased from within the app for $2.99 each.
Image via PROPEGames/YouTube