“Sausage Party”, an upcoming animated feature by Seth Rogen and his band of salty buddies, is attracting a pretty talented cast of actors to do the voicework.
Written by Rogen and longtime creative partner Evan Goldberg (“This Is The End”), the story focuses on a lonely sausage that falls out of a shopping cart and has to rely on a band of store items to help him get back on the shelf before the July 4th holiday. Knowing what we know about Rogen and his sensibilities, it won’t matter that the film is animated; it’ll likely be a free-for-all when it comes to R-rated humor. As if to prove that point, he’s tapped several of his friends to lend their voices to the project: James Franco, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, David Krumholz, Nick Kroll, Kristen Wiig and Edward Norton have joined so far.
Director Conrad Vernon (“Shrek 2”) is teaming up with Thomas the Train Engine director Greg Tiernan for the film, which may come as a surprise to those familiar with the more child-friendly fare, but it makes sense to have people with lots of experience with animated features at the helm.
Rogen has had a busy few years, and he doesn’t appear to be slowing down; this May we’ll see the release of “Neighbors” with Zack Efron–a comedy about what happens when a wild fraternity moves in to a quiet suburban neighborhood–and he’s currently working on an action comedy due out this October called “The Interview”, which also stars Lizzy Caplan and Rogen’s favorite partner in crime, James Franco.
There’s no release date set for “Sausage Party” yet, but as animated features take a long time to make, fans shouldn’t expect to see it until sometime next year.
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