Are you eating enough protein? A recent study shows that people who eat more protein are less likely to suffer from a stroke.
This is because protein helps protect against hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure and diabetes, all of which are risk factors for a stroke.
The study shows that for every 20 grams of protein that were consumed, a person’s risk of stroke was reduced by 26%.
Animal proteins offer twice as much protection as vegetable proteins, but both types are beneficial.
Doctors warn that although animal proteins such as red meat may offer protection from strokes, they can cause other health problems.
If you are looking to add some protein to your diet in hopes of protecting yourself from strokes, add lean proteins.
Tip: If possible, opt for wild salmon over the farmed kind — it has 20% more protein.
— DynaPro Direct (@DynaProDirect) June 13, 2014
“I don’t think this study means to the public you should run out and start eating burgers and red meat,” said Dr. Ralph Sacco, chair of neurology at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine. “Focusing on lean protein consumption and/or even vegetable protein is important.”
A diet rich in protein could lower your risk of stroke
— Daily Strength (@Daily_Strength) June 18, 2014
Doctors say that although the protein is helpful, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet that consists of food from all the major food groups.
“If we exclusively rely on protein, we are making a mistake,” said Tamayo, who wrote an editorial that accompanied the new analysis. “This is a complex disease that needs the control of multiple risk factors and lifestyle changes.”
There are many things that can increase the risk of a stroke, including too much saturated fat, sugar and salt, as well as drinking and smoking. The best way to protect yourself from strokes and other health problems is to eat right, exercise and avoid bad habits.
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