During the ending of the most recent Doctor Who Christmas Special “The Time of the Doctor,” fellow Whovians bid goodbye to Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, and ushered in Peter Capaldi, the new and upcoming Twelfth Doctor. Back in August of 2013, it was announced that Capaldi would be replacing Smith in the British sci-fi series; however, we have not had a really good look into the type of Doctor he will be portraying until now.
Capaldi, 55 from Glasgow, Scotland, is not new to the Doctor Who show. In 2008, he played a minor role as Caecilius in “The Fires of Pompeii,” and as John Frobisher in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood: Children of Earth. Now, Capaldi gets to play the main role of the Doctor in a way that is unique to him.
As each new Doctor has embarked on his journey in the TARDIS, the Doctor’s wardrobe/outfit always changes. For some Doctors on the show, they have their staple fashion item as well (e.g. Tom Baker – Scarf, Matt Smith – bowtie/fez).
On February 27th, the Doctor Who world got a sneak peek into the Twelfth Doctor’s new look. The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), along with the station’s various affiliates (BBC One, BBC America, etc.), posted a picture on Facebook and Twitter of Peter Capaldi donning his new character’s outfit (shown below).
An article published by The Telegraph provides a great description of Capaldi’s new wardrobe:
“This time the Doctor will be clad in a a dark blue Crombie coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a white shirt and black Dr Marten shoes. The look was created by Doctor Who costume designer Howard Burden.”
Various Whovians from the Twitterverse have commented on Capaldi’s new Doctor Who wardrobe:
*Crying over Peter Capaldi's Doctor Outfit* pic.twitter.com/6AhcZH1moo
— Jack Sparrow (@SaraBlu3Wizard) January 27, 2014
Nice to see Peter Capaldi has got the trademark 'Doctor hand extension' look going on though.
— JACK (@jacksayspurple) January 27, 2014
Peter Capaldi's Doctor just looks like a sociology lecturer.
— Callum Robertson (@BawsOutCallum) January 27, 2014
Peter Capaldi's outfit as the doctor is so not as fab as matts bow tie
— isabella clapp ❂ (@isabellaclapp) January 27, 2014
Peter Capaldi's Doctor is to wear Doc Martens? Oh I like him more and more each day!
— Holly with a Why (@hollysweetjane) January 27, 2014
So Peter Capaldi's getup is…..tuxey?
— Nicholas Bondura (@NicholasBondura) January 27, 2014
Image via BBC America on Facebook