One decade ago, Korean director Park Chan-wook released his movie adaptation of the Garon Tsuchiya manga Oldboy. The revenge movie was heavily praised and has since become a cult classic.
So, when it was announced that Spike Lee would be directing and American version of Oldboy, fans were skeptical. They still are, due to fears that the story’s mature themes will be toned down for a general American audience. A recently released red band trailer has only added to the confusion by teasing some significant changes to the story.
Now, Exhibitor Relations has changed the release date for Spike Lee’s version of Oldboy from its original October 25 all the way back to November 27.
Spike Lee's next joint, OLDBOY, will now drop Wed. Nov 27 instead of Oct 25.
— Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) July 29, 2013
There is no word from Lee’s production company, 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, on why the movie’s release was delayed. November 27 is the day before Thanksgiving in the U.S. Oldboy will now be competing against Disney’s Frozen and the Jason Statham/James Franco action movie Homefront. The expected big-hitters of the early holiday season, Ender’s Game, Thor: The Dark World, and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, are all coming earlier in November.