OJ Simpson is plastered all over the news media as he appears back in court. The ex-NFL player turned actor, turned murder suspect, is seeking to have a robbery conviction thrown out.
Heading to Twitter to see what people were saying about it, I searched for “OJ” on Twitter expecting a flood of commentary about the ordeal. To my surprise, there seems to be about as many people talking about orange juice as there are O.J. Simpson (though there are a lot of “who cares about OJ Simpson?” kinds of tweets coming out).
You can be certain, however, that a lot of people still care about Orange Juice. Good news for orange farmers.
#twothingsthatdontmixwell OJ and toothpaste. #icky
— Amanda Torkelson (@SkeeterKay21) May 13, 2013
Cranberry RT @misszindzi: Dole Orange Pineapple Banana RT @lastnameturner: 5) Favorite type of juice (OJ, cran, etc) ? #Turner5
— Samantha (@sumanfuh) May 13, 2013
Yay we have OJ now I really feel like cooking
— Princess Mil (@DimitriaKimiil) May 13, 2013
Why do stores only carry no pulp oj. Dammit I want lots of pulp. #firstworldprobs
— Alecs Irene Webster (@alewebster28) May 13, 2013
#twothingsthatdontmixwelloj and tooth paste
— Brittnee Russo (@brittnee310) May 13, 2013
My bagel and OJ
— Arika L Finney (@ariposh) May 13, 2013
No this citrus greening disease better not ruin the OJ production in Florida! OJ is my everyday essential drink!
— Brookster.(@brookiepetti14) May 13, 2013
vodka and oj lets start the day!
— kiyia raelynn* (@KIYIAgotMUSIK) May 13, 2013
OJ and popcorn.. Being sick sucks, on the bright side MCAS was super easy
— Bry Marcy (@BryLovesSports) May 13, 2013
Eating cereal with OJ. #thatstheshitidontlike #blah
— K R Y S T i N A(@amazingg_loveex) May 13, 2013
Wake and Bake And Drink some OJ
— Kendell Flournoy (@SheScreamn_KDF) May 13, 2013
I’m so hungry where’s my food & oj at?!
— Leeza (@Leez_osa) May 13, 2013
I Want A Thick Bitch With A Cup Of Oj Sitting On Her Ass.
— Letisha Scicutella (@letishascicutel) May 13, 2013
I’m not sure if this one is about juice or about Simpson:
Free oj
— Miz Karlene Marie (@mizkarlenemarie) May 13, 2013
Sure, people talking about orange juice on Twitter is not the most interesting thing in the world, but it’s mildly interesting to see how rapidly tweets can roll in about any random topics – not just trending topics. Note how close together these orange juice tweets are, and they only make a small sample. It really illustrates just how much of a pulse Twitter really has on what people are saying and doing all over the world. I mean, just look at what it’s been able to do to map the use of hateful words across the U.S.