The sequel to the immensely popular “Avatar: The Last Airbender” series, “The Legend of Korra“, has been running for a while now into its second season on Nickelodeon. This season, called “Book 2: Spirits”, has plenty of action, drama, and even enough politics to keep one coming back for more. The characters are becoming more defined with each episode and the plot has expanded into the high expectations we were hoping for.
Up until now, Korra has showcased some rustic diplomacy skills,with her sort of lovable “my way or the highway” attitude, and Bolin and Mako, who is no longer Korra’s love interest, are trying to get back into the swing of things. The dynamic of the group is challenging, for example, why the beef between her and Beifong? The identity of the characters continue to make themselves known with each step.
But, sadly, as great as Korra is, I think I still love Aang just a little more.
Here are what the die-hard “Korra” and “Avatar” fans on Twitter have to say about the progress thus far:
Korra is appropriately #teen in this season. Which makes is harder to sympathize with her, probably.
— Bowl of Eyes סןסץ (@BooDooPerson) October 6, 2013
what if azula is dead and korra meets her in the spirit world somehow
— Azula ll (@OG_Azula) October 5, 2013
— JesuBootaku (@JesuOtaku) October 5, 2013
……….UM. Does Korra know that you can't just take someone's military for your own use? D: Because…YOU REALLY CAN'T HIJACK THE TROOPS.
— JesuBootaku (@JesuOtaku) October 5, 2013
Avatar ang>korra #yafeel? #doesnanyoneevenunderstand…
— Esther Yi (@AmazingYi) October 5, 2013
I actually think Desna & Eska will end up realising how manipulative Unalaq is and will join the good side & help Korra bring balance.
— KorraSpirit (@KorraSpirit) October 5, 2013
Image via youtube