Josh Duggar learned recently that a civil lawsuit may soon be filed against him by the fifth victim in his sexual molestation scandal. The 19 Kids and Counting star sexually molested five underage girls when he was a teenager–four of whom are his own sisters. The fifth, an unrelated victim, is the one allegedly filing the civil suit.
It seems Josh Duggar isn’t the only one who stands to pay for his crimes either. His parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar may be named in the civil lawsuit as well.
Several weeks have passed since the sexual molestation scandal involving the Duggar family made news. The 19 Kids and Counting gang likely thought things were starting to simmer down. It doesn’t sound like that’s likely now, however, with Josh Duggar’s fifth victim reportedly ready to file her lawsuit. It seems she–the victim is as yet unnamed–is upset over having to relive what happened to her since word of the sexual molestations made news.
She’s not just upset over what Josh Duggar did either. She’s also upset with the way Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar handled the situation, and how they recently went on TV defending Josh’s actions. The statute of limitations has run out, so Josh Duggar can’t face criminal charges for his crimes, but the victims can still file civil suits.
Two of Josh Duggar’s victims–sisters Jill Duggar Dillard and Jessa Dillard Seewald–seemed to make excuses for their brother when they were interviewed by Fox’s Megyn Kelly a few weeks ago. They, too, were upset over the media circus that followed the discovery of Josh Duggar’s past crimes, saying they were more upset by the media rehashing the situation than by the actual sexual molestations. It doesn’t seem like the fifth victim feels that way, however.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar can be sued for engaging in a in a civil conspiracy and negligence. These charges stem from their knowledge that Josh Duggar was committing acts that caused ‘injury to others,’ and also for the fact that they spent years allegedly hiding his crimes.
Do you think the 19 Kids and Counting family might simply settle out of court if and when this civil lawsuit is filed? Will Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar leave Josh Duggar to defend himself or will they once again stand up for their son–regardless of his crimes?