Netflix “announced” a new original program coming on April 31, which obviously means it’s an April Fools’ joke since that day doesn’t exist.
The project is called “John Stamos: A Human, Being” and stars John Stamos as John Stamos. The description is as follows:
Few make it to the elite rank of Hollywood icon. His influence echoes across modern entertainment, but his greatest masterpiece may be…himself.
Who doesn’t love John Stamos humor?
Netflix is promoting the new “Netflix Original Documentary” on its homepage to logged in users, and released this trailer:
“I guess it was the fall of 2015 when things looked to be going a little south for those guys at Netflix,” Stamos recalls in the video. “My friend, fellow Greek-American Ted Sarandos, the head of content there, he came to me and said…he said, ‘John,’ he said, ‘You my friend have built more than a life for yourself. You have build a brand.’ He said, ‘Please let us use your beloved brand to help take Netflix to that next level. You know, that next place.'”
“‘As part of that, we want you to play the role of a lifetime. We want John Stamos to play John Stamos,'” Stamos’ account of Sarandos’ words continues.
Stamos is of course a part of the Netflix event of the year so far in Fuller House.