The newest Trump heir, the son born to Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, made his social media debut yesterday. Joseph Frederick Kushner was introduced to the world just one day after his birth on Monday.
According to People, the little prince of the Trump family has an interesting and adorable name that was taken from both sides of his new family. The name Joseph came from the Kushner side. “Jared’s grandfather, Joseph, was a rock. His indomitable spirit, his sense of family, and his work ethic are the values we hope to hand down to our son,” Trump writes.
About his middle name, Frederick, “My grandfather, Frederick, was a builder not just of tens of thousands of homes throughout this city, but of a tight-knit family that honors to this day the traditions he established. Both men set the standards that have been passed down through the generations and which we hope to impart upon Joseph and Arabella.”
She adds, “We are honored to name our son after these two distinguished men. We feel so blessed with the newest member of the family!”
Little Joseph isn’t the only Trump to be named after past patriarch, Frederick. Apparently, it’s quickly becoming family tradition. Donald Trump, Jr. named his fourth kid Spencer Frederick Trump.
The baby’s announcement was answered with a collective sigh of relief for Trump-watchers everywhere. Ivanka and Kushner, Publisher of the New York Observer, found out what the baby was, but didn’t tell anyone beyond immediate family.
“I’m superstitious,” she said. “I don’t like to tell people, but I don’t have the discipline to keep it a surprise. There are so many variables in motherhood that, those I can control, I like to.”
That is certainly understandable. We moms can relate to that!
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