From now on, if you need an excuse to justify your gaming habit, just look to this infographic for some quick stats about how you are in the right and the person you are arguing with is a noob.
Gaming improves collaboration and problem solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and generally makes you a better person.
While many people think that video games promote violence, statistics show that those are not even the more popular games. Action, family oriented games, and sports top the list of the most popular genres.
Gaming is also a socially responsible activity. The majority of parents think that video games are a positive influence on their kids lives, and many join in to socialize with them. Males comprise the majority of gamers by only a small margin. Much more females play games than most people think, making it a gender friendly hobby.
From the author, via DeviantArt
I had a load of questions playing around my head about statistics of gaming and i found it quite hard to find straight forward concise answers to these questions. So i decided to create an info-graphic which was simple and to the point yet graphically beautiful, so i created this along side 3 others, basically blown up statistics. They were designed to influence peoples judgement on gamers, as the majority of non gamers have a narrow minded view, such as, saying gaming is a waste of time, and makes people lazy, etc