When the Kinect was first revealed, Microsoft made it a point to emphasize that almost every function of the console could be controlled by either motion or voice. That concept is being expanded with the Xbox One, and now Microsoft has decided to show us how voice will play a prominent role with its latest console.
In its latest promotional video, Microsoft shows how one might operate an Xbox One using only their voice. Besides the voice controls. the video also shows how app switching will work on the console. The promotional video shows no lag in between switching from a movie to a game, but we actually don’t know how well it will work in practice. It would be swell if it did though.
As the Xbox One matures, you can expect Microsoft to add more voice commands to take advantage of new features and technologies. Future software updates will undoubtedly make app switching and snap view more seamless as well.
With these features, the Xbox One sets itself apart from the PS4 in some of the best ways possible. It shows the console as a multimedia device worth owning not just for the games, but for its TV and film capabilities as well. Whether or not that multimedia angle resonates with consumers remains to be seen, but a recent survey indicates that it’s not working all that well just yet.
But hey, at least analysts think it’s going to help the Xbox One beat the PS4.
[Image: Polygon/YouTube]