To say the Xbox One had a rough time over the last few months would be the understatement of the year. Since E3, Microsoft has been backpedaling on pretty much everything, including DRM and indie developer restrictions. Despite all that, most gamers could at least admire one thing about the Xbox One – it’s controller.
When it was revealed, Microsoft said that it had made over 40 changes to the near perfect Xbox 360 controller to make it even better. Some of those changes include a better d-pad, slightly redesigned analog sticks and small motors in each trigger to provide even more immersive rumble feedback.
If you want to learn more, check out this video from Microsoft’s Major Nelson and Zulfi Alam as they discuss the innovations in the Xbox One controller:
Microsoft and Sony have both invested a lot in making controllers much better in this generation. Sony focused on making radical changes to its controllers, including the touch pad, while Microsoft focused on just perfecting its current controller. We’ll find out later this year which company made the better choice.