Splash Damage today revealed the first gameplay footage from Dirty Bomb, an upcoming PC-only free-to-play first person shooter. Splash Damage is the British developer best known for last year’s tepidly-reviewed Brink.
Dirty Bomb may remind gamers quite a bit of Brink, for better or worse. The new game will feature a similar class system, where players can choose to take on the role of the engineer, medic, soldier, field ops, or sniper. Teams will then work together to accomplish “military objectives.” The game will take place in a near-future London, a setting no-doubt inspired by the U.K.’s recently announced tax relief for British developers that make games featuring and promoting the U.K.
Though the game is still in a pre-alpha state, Splash Damage is already offering tiered pricing on the title. For $30, $60, or $120, gamers can get priority beta access and some game-related merchandise. The game will be free when it launches, however, so gamers can still sign up on the Dirty Bomb website to reserve a name and have a “chance” to be part of the beta.