Just over one week ago, Microsoft released the first episode in a live-action mini-series tied to its upcoming Xbox One launch title Ryse: Son of Rome. The series, titled The Fall, follows Marius Titus, the protagonist that players will control in the video game. Though not quite as ambitious as last year’s live-action Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, the series does sport significant production values.
The first episode in the series provided a bit of background, showing just why Titus is bent on revenge. The second episode featured Titus re-telling a version of the story of Damocles, possibly foreshadowing his own fate.
Today Microsoft released the final two episodes in The Fall. The third episode introduces a gladiator named Gannicus. He provides a long soliloquy about death and the brutality of Roman society. Fair warning, the video gets graphically violent near the end:
The fourth episode of The Fall gets back to Titus and his quest for vengeance. His mentor, Vatallion, places a seed of doubt into his mind about what Rome might actually stand for: