As the gears continue to sit, idle, at our nation’s capital – you probably feel powerless. And right now, you are. There’s a log jam in Washington and there’s pretty much nothing you can do about it.
Wait, this just in. You can tell your elected representative (or any elected representative for that matter) to go fuck themselves. And a new single-purpose site is here to give you the proper ammunition.
It’s called Fuck you Congress, and it’s the site that shouldn’t have to exist.
Once you visit the site, you’ll be met with some factoids about the government shutdown – each one tweetable and shareable on Facebook. Here are some examples:
There’s also a box that let’s you tweet your representative directly. Just enter your zip code and it’ll auto-generate a very special fuck you tweet and even @mention your local congressperson!
Of course, the best thing to do is make your voice heard at the ballot box. Next election, oust these assholes. But until then, there’s really only one thing you can do (since you can’t even go to a national park or watch the damn panda cam).
You know what to do.
Images via Fuck You Congress