Are you an amateur smartphone finger artist and looking to go professional? If you’re ready to take your Draw Something skills to the next level, I’m here to inform you that they are now officially taking applications for the Draw Something game show.
The show was first announced back in June, and will be a CBS production, with the help of Ryan Seacrest (who will host). The Win, Lose or Draw-esque game show will look like this, according to the casting site:
DRAW SOMETHING is a dynamic, interactive game show where two teams consisting of one celebrity and one fan of the Draw Something app test their creativity and compete by drawing and guessing words to earn cash!
The online application form is pretty standard – name, address, location, age, etc. It also requires that you upload a photo of yourself and a photo of one of your most-cherished works. So if you still have the amazing drawing of Tupac you spent way too much time on, now is the time to show it off.
Draw Something’s creators OMGPOP sold to social gaming giant Zynga back in March, and still has a devoted fan base although enthusiasm has waned since the acquisition. Maybe some star power can reignite the obsession.
[h/t The Daily What]