Canadian ice hockey commentator Don Cherry keeps his fans entertained even when he’s not talking sports.
The 78-year old took to Twitter recently to talk about his ordeal with a hive of angry bees in his shed, which left him with several painful stings and a lesson learned. The announcer, who wears outrageous suits and is often described as “flamboyant”, is garnering more and more followers on the social media site because of his hilarious observations on life.
Cherry says he’s fine after the bee-sting ordeal but has learned what not to do:
Got a shingles shot! I used to think they only existed on a roof. Only warned of shingles when my son Tim got em. They certainly are painful
I was cleaning out my shed and all of a sudden I felt two sharp bites on the back of my neck. I look over in the corner and there is a great
big bees nest so I ran out of the place! I went and bought some spray and went back in and sprayed like crazy 3 or 4 times figuring that
would do the trick. After awhile I take a long poll and smash the nest but by goll they’re still alive. So again I run but my with my
Scottish ancestry I stop to turn out the light and man, one got me under the eye. Those honey bees sure sting!