Bethesda today released the final episode of its short web series Dishonored: The Tales From Dunwall. The episode, titled “In the Mind of Madness,” depicts the city of Dunwall as on the verge of collapse.
In the previous installments of the series, we’ve seen the rise and fall of Dunwall along with Esmund Rosenburrow, and seen a boy confront the authoritarian bullies of Dunwall while learning the danger that comes along with mysterious powers.
Today, gamers get a story that leads right up to the beginning of Dishonored. The story follows Piero, who’s dreams are disquieting and all-too-real. Obsessed with the assassination of the empress and spreading plague, he creates a mask. Those who have been following news about Dishonored will recognize the mask as the same one players will don as they take on the role of a supernatural assassin in Dishonored.
The web shorts were created by the Psyop production company and are narrated by Chloe Moretz of Kick Ass ans Let Me In fame.
Dishonored will be released in the U.S. on October 9th. That means there are less than two weeks left until we all find out if it’s as amazing as it looks.