A new show called “Mrs. Eastwood and Company” is scheduled to air on the E! Network and follows the life of Clint’s wife Dina and their two daughters Francesca, 18, and Morgan, 15.
Dirty Harry will be in the first few episodes but Dina doesn’t want to push him for too much involvement. 81 year old Clint certainly sets the bar for how active a senior citizen can be. Between producing big pictures and raising two teenage daughters the gunslinger has his hands full.
So what can viewers expect to see on the show?
Dina says that the show will focus on the importance her family has to her, her career as a manager to a South African boy band named Overtone, her discovery of the six talented artists in Africa and her journey to bring them to America.
She recently helped the group of young men move to America by letting them stay at the Eastwood residence. She explains “I found them when Clint was filming Invictus. I flipped out for them. I said, ‘I’m moving them over here.’ From the day they got off the plane, everyone said, ‘This has to be a show.'”
Dina is only 46 making Clint over three decades older than she is.
The Overtones lended their voices to many songs on the Invictus Soundtrack. The following Youtube video shows the Overtones performing on the Late Late Show:
Twitter users are not excited about the show:
Now even Clint Godamn Eastwood?!! I GIVE UP!
@rubenbolling Awww, man! Not Clint! Really? Geeeez. Respect meter just lost several notches there. Oy.
@Stefaniya Clint Eastwood’s family to be focus of a reality show http://t.co/mJhWiWQO
A fallen icon. RT