Casey Kasem is reportedly missing and an investigation into his whereabouts has been launched. Several reports say his wife has had the ailing American Top 40 host moved out of the country, much to the dismay of his children. Kasem, who is 82, suffers from advanced Parkinson’s disease. He has lost his ability to speak and has spent time in a number of medical facilities his wife, Jean Kasem, has chosen.
Judge Daniel S. Murphy of the Los Angeles Superior Court has ordered a court investigator as well as adult protective services to find out where Casey Kasem is being treated and to report those findings back to the court immediately. Kasem’s children recently complained about not being able to spend time with their ill father. An agreement between them and Jean Kasem supposedly allow the children to visit with their father on a regular basis. Jean Kasem previously kept all of Casey Kasem’s family members away from him. A court-appointed physician informed the court prior to the agreement that Kasem had expressed a desire to visit with his children. Jean Kasem agreed to visitation, but only if daughter Julie would drop her bid for a legal conservatorship, which she did.
Judge Murphy’s order came following a statement Jean Kasem’s attorney Craig Marcus made on her behalf during a hearing on Monday. Marcus indicated that while he didn’t know exactly where Casey Kasem was, he indicated that he was no longer in the United States.
“I have no idea where he is,” Marcus said.
Twitter is abuzz with speculation over Kasem’s disappearance, with one person tweeting the catch phrase the popular radio host used during his American Top 40 weekly show.
Casey Kasem is missing? This is what happens when you stop keeping your feet on the ground when reaching for the stars #caseykasem
— HAL 9000 (@HAL9000_) May 12, 2014
This statement caused the judge to spring into action and resulted in stunned protests from Casey Kasem’s two daughters.
“Your statements concern me even more,” the judge told Marcus, who declined to comment any further on the matter following the hearing.
Where do you suppose Jean Kasem has moved her husband to and why? Is she trying to get him some kind of treatment for Parkinson’s disease that isn’t available in this country or is she simply trying to prevent him from spending any time with his children?
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