TwitchTV, the popular video gaming streaming website, today announced that players will soon be able to stream their Call of Duty: Black Ops II gameplay directly to their Twitch channel using the in-game streaming option. The feature is available today on the Xbox 360 version of the game, and is “coming soon” to the PlayStation 3 and PC).
Black Ops II was the first Call of Duty game to launch with a live-streaming feature. The game previously allowed players to stream their gameplay directly to YouTube.
The new Twitch streaming options will include a webcam feature that uses the Xbox Kinect to provide a picture-in-picture view of players. Gamers can also automatically share their live stream via Facebook or Twitter posts.
TwitchTV is the gaming subsidiary of JustinTV. The website has grown steadily over the past year, and received $15 million in venture capital funding in September 2012. The site has become one of the most popular broadcasters of eSports programming.