The story of Nadya Suleman, appropriately named “Octomom” because she gave birth to octuplets in 2009, conceived through in-vitro fertilization, made headline news when the birth occurred. She is the mother to 14 children that include the octuplets.
She received a lot of notoriety, mostly because some people were outraged that she would attempt to have more children after already having six at home.
Now, Suleman has been charged with welfare fraud, the Los Angeles district attorney’s office said Monday. She is accused of neglecting to report almost $30,000 that she earned from media appearances and royalties when she applied for public assistance last year.
The complaint alleges that Suleman illegally received over $16,000 through the welfare program, $6,667 from the CalWorks financial assistance program and $9,814 from the CalFresh food aid program during the first six months of 2013.
The charges, per the District Attorney’s Office, consist of a single count of aid by misrepresentation and two counts of perjury by false application for aid.
The LA County District Attorney’s office has said Suleman did not report earnings from personal appearances and residuals from videos for the first six months of 2013.
Consequently, she faces up to five years and eight months in prison if convicted.
Since their birth, Suleman, a single mom, has claimed she struggles to make ends meet, attempting a singing career and releasing a pornographic video.
Deputy District Attorney Bill Clark said following the arraignment that the case will go to disposition court and authorities will do whatever they can to avoid going to trial.
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