During the iPad event today, Epic Games’ Mike Capps said that the new iPad had more memory and a higher resolution than the Xbox 360 or the PS3. The statement was meant to hype up the new iPad as being a great platform for gaming. Too bad the Twitterverse forgot where the quote came from.
Of all the things to start trending on Twitter, “Xbox 360 or the PS3” just had to be it. As expected, the conversation wasn’t about the validity of Capps statement or the new iPad. It quickly turned into a fanboy war where Xbots and the PlayStation Nation fired back and forth over which console was better.
The ensuing tweets are pretty funny and provide a good console fanboy flame war the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a while. Here’s a few of our favorites:
Xbox 360 or the PS3 why isnt the commador 64 an option : – (
Xbox 360 or the PS3? Urrm, hard one, i’m gonna go with my guitar ! Close enough?
Xbox 360 or the PS3 is like choosing between Squirtle & Charmander both solid choices. Bulbasaur is a Wii – no one plays the Wii anymore.
Xbox 360 or the PS3? Coke or Pepsi? Microsoft or Apple? McDonald’s or Burger king? on or off? black or white? 1 or 0? YOU MUST CHOOSE!
Xbox 360 or the PS3? Pfft. Anything with “the” before it sounds like it’s trying too hard because it’s not that awesome. So, yeah, Xbox ftw.
“Xbox 360 or the PS3” No doubt about it, Ps3 is for broke people, cuz they can’t pay for Xbox live membership.
Xbox 360 or the PS3, if you love to play video games, then the answer is PC.
Xbox 360 or the PS3? That’s easy, the PS3, paired with the Vita. It’s like a fine wine and cheese pairing.
Xbox 360 or the PS3, why not both? Throw in Dreamcast, Genesis, Wii, GameCube, Atari and it will be a party!
Not many people repling “Xbox” on the “Xbox 360 or the PS3” trend, probably cause they’re jackin off to Halo.
Trending now, “Xbox 360 or the PS3”. Hundreds of fanboys lie dead in the streets. Followers of The Way Of The Wii cower behind locked doors.
Of course, one person realized where the quote came from and responded appropriately:
Tim Cook claims people who own Xbox 360 or the PS3 said the iPad is their favorite gaming device. Cook also claims his pants aren’t on fire.
It doesn’t look like the debate is dying down anytime soon. You can check out more hilarious responses at the Twitter feed for it.
I would ask what your favorite console was, but I’m afraid it was start a new flame war here. Let’s just bask in the wonder that is the fanaticus pueri, more commonly known as the fanboy.