A nightclub in Glasgow, Scotland is under investigation after the Scottish Express released an article claiming some of their staffers had seen photos of men posing in front of a two-way mirror while women used the bathroom behind them. The club owners reportedly rent out two rooms on the other side of the mirror where groups of people can sit and watch.
A woman who has attended The Shimmy Club said, “I was completely shocked to discover that the mirror in the ladies’ bathroom is a two-way mirror facing out onto the club. I find it absolutely outrageous that a club can get away with this, it is a complete invasion of privacy of the unsuspecting girls. Nowhere is it made clear that this is the case so when visiting the bathroom for the first time, there are women bending over the sink, pouting into the mirror to redo their lipstick, adjusting themselves whilst unknowingly being watched by people on the other side.”
Indeed, the owners say they just installed the mirror for a bit of fun, and that signage was posted informing anyone using the restrooms that they were being watched; however, they have updated the signage to make it clearer. The club posted to their Facebook page:
The Shimmy Club’s two-way mirror is a design feature created as a bit of fun, an interactive feature which we hoped would act as a talking point for people visiting The Shimmy. The vast majority of people who have visited the club have taken it as such. Its clear that those who are negatively commenting on line may not have been lucky enough to get past the door staff yet and viewed the area as they would have seen that the sight line is very limited and allows for glimpses into the wash up area only of the ladies loos (there is also a separate mirror area which is completely out of view of the club). Interestingly, you can see into a similar area of both the ladies and gents from the street at Corinthian Club and no-one has ever said a word. There has always been signage in the toilets which no-one has mentioned thus far but as a result of the media feedback clearer signage has been put in place to inform our female customers.
Overall our customers seem to enjoy this unique idea, loads of you have used the opportunity as it was intended and knowingly had pictures taken acting up to the camera individually or in a group of friends. However we are committed to listening to you guys who are our core customer base and hugely appreciate your loyalty so if your feedback (and not that of the media) is that you want the mirror area to change then we will listen to that and make changes.
God help us when they find out that we have buried vibrators into sections of the dancefloor……………
The Glasgow police have now launched an investigation into the matter.
Image: Twitter