Working Conditions Prompt Apple to Put Foxconn Plant on Probation

Foxconn’s India plant is on probation after Apple received complaints about working conditions....
Working Conditions Prompt Apple to Put Foxconn Plant on Probation
Written by Matt Milano
  • Foxconn’s India plant is on probation after Apple received complaints about working conditions.

    Foxconn is Apple’s primary manufacturer. The company builds and assembles many of Apple’s products. While most of its factories were in China, the company has been expanding to other countries to help it and Apple diversify the supply chain.

    According to TechCrunch, one of Foxconn’s India factories has been placed on probation following complaints about subpar food and accommodations. The factory, in the state of Tamil Nadu, employs roughly 17,000 people. Apple took the action it did after dispatching independent auditors to investigate complaints it received.

    “We found that some of the remote dormitory accommodations and dining rooms being used for employees do not meet our requirements and we are working with the supplier to ensure a comprehensive set of corrective actions are rapidly implemented,” a spokesperson told TechCrunch.

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