It’s infographic day at WebProNews, and now that we’ve learned about Google’s war against spam in awesome graphic form, we now turn our attention to Facebook; specifically, when will that witty post you’ve been holding onto get the most Facebook interaction? During the day? Evening? Weekends?
Well, thanks to some research conducted by Dan Zarrella and compiled by KISSmetrics, and pointed out by Chris Voss, there’s a handy set of guidelines to consider when launching a Facebook marketing campaign. The disclaimer that accompanies the infographic is an important primer:
It’s important to know when the highest percentage of your audience is eavesdropping on your social networks–so that when you share content you’ll get maximum exposure…
As you can probably tell, this type of infographic is aimed more at the corporate side of Facebook users, although, it’s applicable to small businesses as well. Granted, the big brand names get the most followers, but that doesn’t mean the 1500 Facebook members who follow your site aren’t worth engaging at the suggested times.
With that in mind, the infographic, which you can click for a bigger image:
Click to enlarge
So what did we learn? The Eastern seaboard has the highest population in regards to Facebook members. Keep this in mind if you’re posting from a Pacific and/or other timezone. You want to engage your audience when they are awake, not necessarily when you are.
Perhaps most surprisingly is a large portion of Facebook sharing is done on Saturdays, of all days. Normally, the lesson is, avoid weekends for your best content. With the Facebook crowd, however, this makes perfect sense.
Think about all of the people sitting in front of their computers during the first full day off of the week, catching up on the deluge of stuff they missed out on during the previous five days. Now, does the Facebook sharing data mean businesses should jump onto Facebook first thing Saturday morning and let their followers know about any weekend specials?
Yes. Yes it does.
Furthermore, the best time to post on Facebook is, according to the collected data, at noon. Don’t forget about the Eastern time zone thing, either. Another thing to consider is post frequency. No one, not even Farmville-playing Internet novices, likes spam. So keep that in mind when considering a Facebook marketing/engagement strategy. According to the information, 0.5 posts a day is the amount with the best sharing frequency.
To determine this, post likes and posts per day were compared, giving us the 0.5 mark. This simply means don’t overwhelm your followers. Quality, not quantity is the goal. So if that means you have to reduce your posting frequency to every other day to ensure maximum interaction, so be it.
Granted, good content is good content and it should be shared no matter when you find it, at least if your Facebook profile is personal; but if your Facebook page is for a company’s marketing purposes, keep that stuff on a lighter Facebook posting basis.
Thoughts? Reactions? Let us know what you think in the comments.