AMC debuted the season premiere of The Walking Dead: Season 4 on Sunday. Keeping in tradition with past seasons, AMC has now made the episode available to stream from its website for free.
The episode is called “30 Days Without an Accident”. If you’ve already watched it, AMC has plenty of supplemental material for you to check out on its YouTube channel. You’ll find behind-the-scenes videos about the episode and a look at the next episode, as well as a handful of clips from Talking Dead discussing the episode.
Don’t expect AMC to hand you over the whole season on its website for free.
“This is the ONLY episode being made available without a log-in requirement,” the network notes. “Future episodes of The Walking Dead will be available on the day after broadcast and accessible via log-in for select cable providers.”
Of course there are always the Amazon and iTunes routes.
Image: AMC